Dear visitor of this site!
Welcome to my new blog, that I started recently.
“Practice daily and protect traditional karate.”
As a karateka, who takes the dojokun serious, I practice daily and reflect a lot of time on possible kata applications, the reasons for certain movements, the traditional karate curriculum, possible supplementing exercises for self improvement in terms of training and self defence in general. As karate do is a way of life, the insights will never end, they mainly build up on each other and for sure they expand in volume.
So I decided, to write it down. From time to time you will find a new article on this page. As I work mainly on the video course offered here, new blog posts won´t appear in fixed time intervals. Just check in every couple of weeks, for the case you resonate with the content. If you want to be informed about new articles, special offers etc., just press the button on the right side and subscribe for the newsletter.
You are also welcome on on the “about me” page. Questions are replied in the fastest way, if you contact me via WhatsApp (just press the button). Otherwise just use the or e-mail.
Do you want to get some motivation and input for staying on your karate track? Then follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I am happy to see you there!
So thank you for your time, I hope I can give you some benefits here.
- Fight or flight – 7 points to cinsider
- Make the most of your 108 kata challenge – 9 aspects to keep in mind
- Use 7 principles to customize your conditioning plan for progress in karate

Domo arigato gozaimasu!
2 thoughts on “…some personal thoughts…”
Hi sensi my name is Simon I am from lovely Pembrokeshire Wales. I’ve studied martial arts since 12 years old. I started with sensi o Brian shotokan then moved to kung fu mauy tai and for 26 years I’ve been studying Yang and Chen tai chi chuan and original traditional Raiki ho ta ta not western Raiki it’s differs a lot but I will not bore you with details. I ve always had the desire to learn okinawan karate I don’t know why but mainly I think it will help me with my lazy disposition lol. And help me discipline my ego my body world taichi is fantastic but you need balance externally. I will try your course and look forward to seeing if it does the trick. Blessing to you and your family
Dear Simon,
thank you so much, I am happy to have you in this course!
As I want happy, satisfied and progressing members, you can always write a message (for example using the WhatsApp-button) and ask or suggest someting. I want to optimize this course as far as possible, every kind of feedback is welcome!
With many blessings to you and your family also,